Discover which features of TurnFriendly help you
solve your customer complaints faster.

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Case management

Case management

With TurnFriendly you can handle all customer concerns from receipt to answer in one system. System discontinuity is avoided, waiting times are eliminated and processing time is reduced. Promised.
People management

People management

Customer master data is created via interfaces to your back-end systems. This avoids manual steps and saves valuable processing time.
Mass processing

Mass processing

If you have many complaints about a topic, bulk editing is extremely helpful. Cases are generated and no longer recorded individually. Personalized emails / letters are generated for hundreds and thousands of customers at once. Even interactive offers – e.g. for changes in tourism – generated so you save tons of time.
Task management

Task management

A large number of tasks must be dealt with when dealing with customer concerns. This task management is done by TurnFriendly. Web-based workflows are started on demand and monitored with a traffic light system.
Input management

Input management

To keep everything in order, e-mails, letters and pictures are stored in integrated document management. We also accept incoming documents via web services for fast and smooth operation.
Answer creation

Answer creation

With text modules, placeholders, letter and e-mail templates, you can quickly create the right answers for your customers. One system, many answer options.
Refunds and reimbursements

Refunds and reimbursements

If the customer should receive a refund, then this is controlled in interaction with your accounting. Interfaces and system-based expertise ensure that everything runs smoothly. Charges on service providers are multicurrency and multilingual, so you do not waste any money.
To-do lists

To-do lists

Users receive customer requests for processing in clear to-do lists either automatically via the distribution mechanism “skills-based routing“ or through manual assignment by a “dispatcher“.
Knowledge base

Knowledge base

With TurnFriendly you manage internal and external knowledge documents, which we display thematically in the context of complaint processing. That's why we also like to call our Knowledge Base Active Solution Center, because you can actively view knowledge without having to search.
Authorization concept

Authorization concept

We ensure that your users can only see the data for which they are authorized. Revision security is ensured with TurnFriendly.


If you need a quick overview of current processing times and open processes, we will show you this graphically in real time.


The supreme discipline is the exact analysis of your complaints and complaints.


Easily capture customer complaints on tablets and smartphones. TurnFriendly portals are intuitive, can be customized by yourself. Practical and fast.
Enterprise Feedback Management

Enterprise Feedback Management

With TurnFriendly, you get integrated feedback management that complements the customer’s digital customer journey. All feedback is important, not just complaints.


To ensure efficient processes, TurnFriendly integrates into existing system landscapes via a large number of input and output interfaces.

Over 30.000+ users trust TurnFriendly

For more than 20 years, we have been developing software for customer experience management. Learn more about our clients

Complaint Management Software

TurnFriendly is one of the leading systems for complaint management.

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