Customer Experience Management Software for banking and insurance

TurnFriendly Financials

TurnFriendly Financials is the perfect solution for banks, insurance companies and other financial service providers. Manage queries, complaints, reclaims and other concerns with a CEM software, which is easy to integrate into your systems.

The direct line to a
TurnFriendly expert

Manage all inquiries, complaints, claims, feedbacks and other concerns.

Competence from a single source –
software plus industry-specific know-how

TurnFriendly is in use at branch as well as direct banks and covers the specific requirements completely. Industry-standard functions and interfaces form the basis for group-wide use.

Company-wide application possibilities

Issues, such as complaints from customers or supervisory authorities, can be dealt with either centrally or decentrally, and distributed through the intelligent process distribution (module Skills-based Routing) across the Company. TurnFriendly uses existing branch structures, account and customer number logics and thinks like a bank core system. Data exchange with banking systems creates integrated service processes.

  • Revision Safe
  • Conforms to Compliance
  • Strong in reporting
  • AnsFuG module
  • SEPA
  • PSD2 Incidents
Employee and Complaint Register (AnsFuG)

Banks are obliged to create statistics and reports for the supervisory authorities. Since the end of 2012, the German Federal Financial Supervisory Authority (Bundesanstalt für Finanzdienstleistungsaufsicht, BaFin) demands that investment advisors and advice-related complaints pursuant to section 34d WpHG have to be reported. TurnFriendly has implemented this reporting process with special AnsFuG components and automatically generates message data for employees and complaints.

  • Identification of AnsFuG relevant issues
  • All message types
  • Employee reports
  • Complaint reports
  • Coupling to HR systems
Integration into banking systems

Seamless and therefore easy and efficient integration into existing banking systems. Among its other features TurnFriendly has standard interfaces with SAP and adaptors for easy connection to proprietary interfaces. Several customer master data systems can be connected in parallel at the same time. This functionality supports migration and solves the problem of integrating heterogeneous ERP systems.

  • Connection of several banking systems
  • Webservice for cases and docs
  • Call centre integrationn
  • Mailserver integration
Service portals for banking sales

TurnFriendly provides company-specific service portals for accepting and retrieving information for all types of customer concerns. TurnFriendly then directly records the data recorded on a portal. What distinguishes our portals is their intuitive operation. Customer advisers can competently provide information on processing status.

  • Accepts concerns
  • Retrieves information for the bank advisers
  • Intuitive operation
  • Single Sign-on
Complaints-handling for the insurance sector

In accordance with the collective decree dated 20 September 2013 (reference number: VA 43-I 2512-2013/0007), insurance undertakings are to establish a complaints management function which enables complaints to be investigated fairly and in a legally correct manner and potential conflicts of interest to be identified, avoided or managed as well as possible.

  • Collection of complaints
  • Categorisation of complaints
  • Evaluation of complaints
  • Generate the corresponding reports on complaints

Key benefits

Efficient customer service processes
are guaranteed

Banking model

  • Banking products / accounts
  • Meets regulatory requirements
  • DSGVO / Security / Audit

Work in one system

  • Everyone knows their way around
  • Full documentation
  • You will be much faster

Complaint management

  • Efficient input management
  • Fast processing with compliance to standards
  • Complete documentation of all cases

Specific workflows

  • Statements
  • Release processes for reimbursements
    and reply letters
  • To-do lists, resubmissions, traffic light
    function, reports

What is TurnFriendly good for?

As complaint manager I can completely handle all complaints in a system with Turn Friendly.
As a Customer Service Manager, I receive all customer requests in a To-do list adapted to my skills.
As team lead, I now use a dashboard, which gives me an overview of all open processes.
I am responsible for governance in my bank. TurnFriendly is my process platform for the implementation of the BaFin's Investor Protection and Functional Improvement Act.
As the person responsible for questions of our consultants, I use TurnFriendly for the service line in the sales department. Phone calls and contact forms from the intranet are integrated in TurnFriendly.

20 years experience in the banking sector

These companies use TurnFriendly for positive
customer experience in the banking sector. Learn more

TurnFriendly helps us to organize the handling of customer complaints.
We are able to meet the regulatory requirements for complaint processing in banks.
This saves time and resources.
Stefan Bach Stefan Bach
Business Expert
Commerzbank AG

All the Features
you will need

Discover which features of TurnFriendly help you solve your customer complaints faster.


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